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Names of the Book

TIMOTHY PREACHES- Unknown artist

English:  2 Timothy
Greek:  2 Τιμόθεος
Transliterated:  2 Timotheos
Other names:  Paul's second epistle to Timothy



Wrote the book:  Paul
Are the key people:  Paul, Timothy, Luke, and Mark
Is it written to:  Timothy and believers in Ephesus



Our foundation in Messiah and our service to His body (2 Timothy 1:1-2:26)
Perseverance in the midst of difficult trials (2 Timothy 3:1-4:22)



Was it written:  c 66-67 CE
Did the events occur:  c 65-66 CE
Was it canonized:  c 108-117 CE
(see the Timeline of the First Century)



Was it written:  Rome (while Paul was in prison)
Did the events occur:  Rome, Ephesus



2 Timothy was written to inform us that: 
Believers should be humble but bold in living our their faith.
Believers should remain faithful to G-d and the work to which He calls us.
Believers should continue to testify of G-d's work in our lives.
Believers should confront false teaching with the truth.



Paul wrote this second letter to his apprentice, Timothy, near the end of his life as he was awaiting execution by the Romans. Even in the midst of his own trials, persecution, and abandonment, Paul reached out to Timothy to encourage him to continue in his work with confidence, fortitude, and faithfulness. Paul exhorts Timothy to remain faithful to the words of Scripture that are profitable for teaching, reproof, correction, and training in righteousness "so that the man of G-d may be adequate, equipped for every good work". Paul sets forth additional instruction for order within the community and closes with words of affirmation that G-d will rescue Paul from every evil deed and bring him safely into His heavenly kingdom.




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Yom Shishi, 18 Nisan, 5784 - Chag Hamatzah

Friday, April 26, 2024


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