
PSALM11918.ORGOur blog provides the contributors with a channel for less formal communications with our readers.  Some of our blog entries are about personal events while others are just plain silly and fun. 

In any case, we hope you enjoy and are blessed everything you find here! :)

- The team

Proverbs 22:6 tells us

Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it.

The responsibility of a parent is to train a child... not just raise a child.  People can raise dogs, cows, chickens, or any other kind of animal they like.  Scripture tells us that we should train our children.  We have a responsibility that is greater than just providing food and shelter and raising them.  If anyone is interested I highly recommend Reb Bradley's Child Training Tips book.

The work of our heavenly Father (through the Messiah) is to author and perfect our faith (Hebrews 12:2) and conform us into the image of His Son (Romans 8:29).  We as parents should actively assist in this effort rather than oppose it through laziness or passivity.  Unfortunately, I find examples of such opposition to be far too common in the world.

In case you need to put some time on the "vacation calendar" at work, here are the dates for the moedim in 2011 along with some other dates:

Purim- Sunday, March 20th

Pesach- Monday, April 18th

Chag HaMatzot- Tuesday, April 19th (beginning at sundown on the 18th)

Second Passover- Wednesday, May 18th (beginning at sundown on the 17th)

Normally I ignore the rubbish coming out of Hollywood that involves witches, goblins, ghosts, and vampires.  That whole passage in Philippians comes to mind:

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. (Philippians 4:8)

Given that neither Harry Potter nor the Twilight series seem to fit into any of those categories, I haven't paid them much mind beyond being generally aware that they are a "big deal" to the American public.  Imagine my surprise when I read an article on entitled "Vampire Books Like 'Twilight' May be Altering Teen Minds".

"Surprise?", you may ask.

"What surprise is there about those types of books 'altering teen minds'?"

The team is pleased to announce our partnership with Gary Mink in delivering his insightful observations and commentary about the Sacred Name Movement. 

 The team has designed and implemented Mr. Mink's library of information on a new website at

Please take a look and let us know your thoughts about the design and information on that site!


Cargo cult:

A cargo cult is a religious practice that has appeared in many traditional tribal societies in the wake of interaction with technologically advanced cultures. The cults focus on obtaining the material wealth (the "cargo") of the advanced culture through magic and religious rituals and practices. Cult members believe that the wealth was intended for them by their deities and ancestors. Cargo cults developed primarily in remote parts of New Guinea and other Melanesian and Micronesian societies in the southwest Pacific Ocean, beginning with the first significant arrivals of Westerners in the 19th century. Similar behaviors have, however, also appeared elsewhere in the world.

Cargo cult activity in the Pacific region increased significantly during and immediately after World War II, when the residents of these regions observed the Japanese and American combatants bringing in large amounts of material. When the war ended, the military bases closed and the flow of goods and materials ceased. In an attempt to attract further deliveries of goods, followers of the cults engaged in ritualistic practices such as building crude imitation landing strips, aircraft and radio equipment, and mimicking the behaviour that they had observed of the military personnel operating them.

Torah Portion




or view this week's triennial cycle reading.

Today is

Yom Sheni, 12 Iyar, 5784

Monday, May 20, 2024


Learn more about this date in history.