
PSALM11918.ORGOur blog provides the contributors with a channel for less formal communications with our readers.  Some of our blog entries are about personal events while others are just plain silly and fun. 

In any case, we hope you enjoy and are blessed everything you find here! :)

- The team

Shalom, everyone!

I pray you are all well and blessed.  While getting prepared for Channukah we came across this website for Channukah cards and Messianic art:

The cards are very well done and the other art available on the site is absolutely beautiful.  We hope you will give the site a look and we pray you are as blessed as we were.


For I testify about them that they have a zeal for God, but not in accordance with knowledge.  

- The apostle Paul (Romans 10:2)

And the Truth Shall Set You Free

In September, the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life released the results of their "U.S. Religious Knowledge Survey".  [If you would like to take a shortened version of the survey online it is available here. -ed]

The results were summarized in a article that stated:

Atheists and agnostics scored highest, with an average of 21 correct answers [out of 32 questions], while Jews and Mormons followed with about 20 accurate responses. Protestants overall averaged 16 correct answers, while Catholics followed with a score of about 15.

Hispanic Catholics were the lowest scoring group with 11.6 questions answered correctly.

Shalom again! has officially launched a community locator service website at  "Don't travel the path alone." [NOTE: was folded into the website a short time after this. - ed]

Once registered on the site, visitors can add information about groups, synagogues, Torah study groups, etc in their area.  They can also edit the information they add to the site.  There is a search tool with a Google map of groups in the area that is searched (address, city, zipcode, state, country, etc).

This is an international locator service with groups from Australia, Great Britain, Belgium, France, Germany, Israel!, and other countries already being added.

If you know of anyone who wants to make their group "find-able" point them to the site and they can add their information.


Shalom, shalom!
I wanted to provide an update to everyone about the lack of new articles coming from
First has been busy-ness with our jobs.  For some reason, the Most High has everyone involved with busy with our day jobs.  Normally this season sees a decrease in busy-ness... not this year.
Second has been community.  We have had a number of pleasant and not-so-pleasant matters of community to which must attend.  The fall festivals and establishment of a weekly gathering on the west side of San Antonio has kept many of us busy.  All of us have been in prayer and support of our dear brother, David Bitting, during some health concerns.
Third has been a different form of community.  Many of you may be familiar with the Community Connector at 

The Merriam-Webster Word of the Day for October 21st was renovate.

1: to restore to a former better state (as by cleaning, repairing, or rebuilding) 2: to restore to life, vigor, or activity : revive

Torah Portion




or view this week's triennial cycle reading.

Today is

Yom Rishon, 11 Iyar, 5784

Sunday, May 19, 2024


Learn more about this date in history.