Items filtered by date: Saturday, 15 January 2011

One of the ideas reiterated throughout this blog has been "words have power". One particular example that I often share with friends and family is the expression "I'm sorry".


I'm Sorry

In a literal sense saying "I'm sorry" means "I am wretched, worthless, poor."

Why would someone say such a thing? Aren't we created in the image of G-d?  (Genesis 1:26)

This "wretched" meaning dates back to the 13th century and a time when people would debase themselves before some nobleman or leader as a result of some offense. They would essentially say "I am wretched, worthless, and poor" and seek the nobleman's mercy and favor.

Torah Portion




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Today is

Yom Rivi'i, 30 Nisan, 5784

Wednesday, May 08, 2024


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