
PSALM11918.ORGOur blog provides the contributors with a channel for less formal communications with our readers.  Some of our blog entries are about personal events while others are just plain silly and fun. 

In any case, we hope you enjoy and are blessed everything you find here! :)

- The team

Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day for Friday, May 15th was scrupulous.

1 : having moral integrity : acting in strict regard for what is considered right or proper 2 : punctiliously exact : painstaking

Shalom aleichem! :)

Thank you for taking the time to read this.  I just wanted to provide a bit of an update on recent events.

The main focus with lately has been on replacing the infrastructure that supports the site.  We found that we were spending quite a bit of time building every web page manually which meant less time available to study Scripture and write the articles that we desire to share.  That has also proven to be time consuming but we believe the investment will pay dividends in the future.

During some recent reading I came across this passage in Paul's first letter to the Corinthians:

However, the spiritual is not first, but the natural; then the spiritual.

This brought to mind the idea that we should walk in G-d's commandments in the natural world (i.e. a literal, physical observance) so that we can reap rewards in the spiritual.  One of the examples of  a literal observance is the daily wrapping of tefillin (phylacteries) by men in observance of the commandments found in Deuteronomy 6:8, Deuteronomy 11:18, Exodus 13:9, Exodus 13:16.

Recently I replaced my son's bar mitzvah tefillin with a better quality set.  The head tefillin was tied for a small head size and needed to be expanded to fit my son (he's quite a large young man now!).  As I was gently trying to adjust the dalet knot this morning without losing the knot completely... SPROING!  It all came apart.  Imagine my concern about having to tie the knot back together.  This is not a simple knot.

I found this wonderful video on You Tube showing how to tie the dalet knot on the head tefillin and though I would share: . I pray it will be as much a blessing to you as it was to me! :)

Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day for Monday, May 11th was whinge.

to complain fretfully : whine

In their "Did you know?" section, M-W provided the following:

"Whinge" isn't just a spelling variant of "whine." "Whinge" and "whine" are actually entirely different words with separate histories. "Whine" traces to an Old English verb, "hwinan," which means "to make a humming or whirring sound." When "hwinan" became "whinen"in Middle English, it meant "to wail distressfully"; "whine" didn't acquire its "complain" sense until the 16th century. "Whinge," on the other hand, comes from a different Old English verb, "hwinsian," which means "to wail or moan discontentedly." "Whinge" retains that original sense today, though nowadays it puts less emphasis on the sound of the complaining and more on the discontentment behind the complaint.

This brings to mind an admonition from Scripture:

Torah Portion




or view this week's triennial cycle reading.

Today is

Yom Shabbat, 10 Iyar, 5784

Saturday, May 18, 2024


Learn more about this date in history.