What Scripture Says About...

GOLDEN BOOK © Andrei Contiu | Dreamstime.comIn our popular "What Scripture Says About" series, we perform comprehensive word studies of Scripture to uncover the Biblically-accurate meanings of various concepts and align our understanding of the Word with the One Who wrote it.

What will you do with the answers once you have them?


When we are asked by leaders in our congregations to do something or to believe something in regards to Scripture, we should always be like the Bereans and test everything against Scripture itself (Acts 17:11)... the whole of Scripture (2 Timothy 3:16-17). If a person feels "led by the spirit" to speak, behave, or believe a certain way, they should test that spirit (1 John 4:1) and see whether what that spirit is telling them to do is in agreement or disagreement with Scripture.

Let us take a journey together through Scripture and see what it says about the matter of cities of refuge... a "walk in the Word" so to speak. As we take this walk, may we say, believe, and do what is right, be merciful in our speech and actions, and walk humbly with the Lord (Micah 6:8).

Scriptural quotations are from the New American Standard Bible unless otherwise noted. Bolded text or other emphases in the Scriptural references are the author's.


MARTYR IN A PILLORY, LOOKING AT CAMERA- ©mammamaart | iStockPhoto.comWhen we are asked to do something or to believe something in regards to Scripture, we should always be like the Bereans and test everything against Scripture itself (Acts 17:11), the whole of Scripture (2 Timothy 3:16-17).  If a person feels "led by the spirit" to speak, behave, or believe a certain way, they should test that spirit (1 John 4:1) to determine if it is in agreement with Scripture or not.

Let's journey together through Scripture and see what it says about the matter of being "under the law".  As we go, may we say, believe, and do what is right, be merciful in our speech and actions, and walk humbly with the Lord (Micah 6:8).

This article addresses every instance of the phrase "under the law" or "under law" in the Bible.  If you know of a verse we have not included and think it should be, please contact us!

Scriptural quotations are from the New American Standard Bible unless otherwise noted. Bolded text or other emphases in the Scriptural references are the author's.


Context and Intent

It is critical that we, the 21st-century readers of Scripture, conform our understanding of the words of Scripture to the intent of the Author and the original meaning set forth by those who were Divinely inspired and penned the Words we now read and treasure.  We should not import our 21st-century understanding or issues into the text but should be informed by the text of Scripture itself as well as the historical context of when it was delivered.

Words can change meaning over time.

For example:
If a mayor of a major American city in 1908 were to announce that he was "gay" many would not think twice about their mayor declaring that he was "happy".  If a mayor of a major American city in 1998 (a mere 90years later) were to announce that he was "gay" his announcement would be met with some measure of uproar at his declaration that he was a homosexual.  Words can change meaning over time.

The same word is used in both instances, but its use conveys two completely different messages.  Many words do not undergo the severe change that the word "gay" has undergone, but we must be careful to consider that the meaning and emotional charge of an English word chosen by an interpreter may or may not accurately reflect the intent of the Author.

When we are asked to do something or to believe something about Scripture, we should always be like the Bereans and test everything against Scripture itself (Acts 17:11)... the whole of Scripture (2 Timothy 3:16-17). If a person feels "led by the spirit" to speak, behave, or believe a certain way, they should test that spirit (1 John 4:1) and see whether what that spirit is telling them to do is in agreement or disagreement with Scripture. MIND, BODY, SPIRIT, SOUL, AND YOU © Marek Uliasz | Dreamstime.com

Let's journey through Scripture and see what it has to say about the matter of body, soul, and spirit.  As we go, may we say, believe, and do what is right, be merciful in our speech and actions, and walk humbly with the Lord (Micah 6:8).

Let's begin our study with the body:

FOOD © Photosil | Dreamstime.comWhen we are asked to do something or believe something in regards to Scripture, shouldn't we always be like the Bereans and test everything against Scripture itself (Acts 17:11), the whole of Scripture (2 Timothy 3:16-17)?  If a person feels "led by the spirit" to speak, behave, or believe a certain way, they should test that spirit (1 John 4:1) and verify if what that spirit is telling them is in agreement with Scripture or not.

Let's take a journey together through Scripture and see what it has to say about food.  As we go, may we say, believe, and do what is right, be merciful in our speech and actions, and walk humbly with the Lord (Micah 6:8).

Scriptural quotations are from the New American Standard Bible unless otherwise noted. Bolded text or other emphases in the Scriptural references are the author's.

As is usually best, let's start at the beginning of Scripture in Genesis.


When we are asked by leaders in our congregations to do something or to believe something in regards to Scripture, we should always be like the Bereans and test everything against Scripture itself (Acts 17:11)... the whole of Scripture (2 Timothy 3:16-17). If a person feels "led by the spirit" to speak, behave, or believe a certain way, they should test that spirit (1 John 4:1) and see whether what that spirit is telling them to do is in agreement or disagreement with Scripture.

Let us take a journey together through Scripture and see what it says about the miracles of Yeshua... a "walk in the Word" so to speak. As we take this walk, may we say, believe, and do what is right, be merciful in our speech and actions, and walk humbly with the Lord (Micah 6:8).

Scriptural quotations are from the New American Standard Bible unless otherwise noted. Bolded text or other emphases in the Scriptural references are the author's.


Torah Portion




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Today is

Yom Shabbat, 19 Nisan, 5784 - Chag Hamatzah

Saturday, April 27, 2024


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