Topical Commentary

BUSINESS CONFERENCE © mbbirdy | iStockPhoto.comInformed by Scripture, history, and the languages of the Bible, we share our thoughts on various matters of faith and offer unique perspectives that are sure to be a source of enlightenment and encouragement.  Always grounded in Scripture, we aren't wed to any denominational traditions, so we can find and share the good news!


Scripture contains many prophecies (overt or subtle) about the death of Messiah Yeshua. This article catalogues those prophecies for reference whether they are from the Tanakh or from the Greek Scriptures.

This is a working document not a completed and exhaustive work. Please contact us with recommendations of any verses to include.

The Tanakh is replete with prophecies of Messiah. None of these prophecies is more explicit than the one given in Genesis 3:15 when G-d speaks of the seed of woman that shall bruise the serpent's head. Most of the other prophecies are given as pictures, examples, or "types" of Messiah. There are no explicit passages in the Tanakh where G-d says "Messiah will be such and such" or "Messiah will do such and such". As Paul put it in his first letter to the Corinthian believers "For now we see through a glass, darkly...". Prophecy is not always clear and it is often only when certain prophetic passages are fulfilled that we can see with clarity those things which G-d spoke.

The prophecies below are examples of such clarity. Now that each of these has come to pass we can see the prophecy for what it is. May G-d give us clarity to see all that is Scripture regarding Messiah in the Tanakh and the Greek Scriptures. This is not an exhaustive list but will be updated as we come across additional passages. If you have any recommended passages to include please contact us and let us know!

This list is also available sorted by the passage where it was given.

The Tanakh is replete with prophecies of Messiah. None of these prophecies is more explicit than the one given in Genesis 3:15 when G-d speaks of the seed of woman that shall bruise the serpent's head. Most of the other prophecies are given as pictures, examples, or "types" of Messiah. There are no explicit passages in the Tanakh where G-d says "Messiah will be such and such" or "Messiah will do such and such". As Paul put it in his first letter to the Corinthian believers "For now we see through a glass, darkly...". Prophecy is not always clear and it is often only when certain prophetic passages are fulfilled that we can see with clarity those things which G-d spoke.

The prophecies below are examples of such clarity. Now that each of these has come to pass we can see the prophecy for what it is. May G-d give us clarity to see all that is Scripture regarding Messiah in the Tanakh and the Greek Scriptures. This is not an exhaustive list but will be updated as we come across additional passages. If you have any recommended passages to include please contact us and let us know!

This list is also available sorted by categories of the type of prophecy.

LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT- © Eric1513 | Dreamstime.comAs the team began studying Scripture in earnest and examining the original languages behind our English translations, we also began taking a great interest in the definition and origin of the English words used by the translators. One of the words we investigated was the word "testament" which is used to describe the two major portions of the Christian Bible: the Old Testament and the New Testament. This led us down a path of study and investigation that we hope you find enlightening and encouraging.


The Ten CommandmentsOut of curiosity, the team decided to create a list of the commandments that were given in the "New Testament" (or as we at refer to it, the Greek Scriptures). We started out with the specific goal of only identifying the Ten Commandments but expanded the scope to include any commandments. This particular article is focused on identifying the 10 Commandments that are reiterated and affirmed in the Greek Scriptures.

Although we normally use the NASB for our articles, we have used a revised KJV (e.g. replacing "thee" with "you" and "thine" with "yours") to comply with the publisher's copyright requirements.

Torah Portion




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Today is

Yom Rivi'i, 30 Nisan, 5784

Wednesday, May 08, 2024


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