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Names of the Book


English:  Ruth
Hebrew:  רוּת
Transliterated:  Rut
Other names:   



Wrote the book:  unknown (possibly Samuel)
Are the key people:  Ruth, Naomi, Boaz
Is it written to:  The people of Israel



Ruth's faithfulness to Naomi (Ruth 1:1-2)
Ruth's humility before Boaz (Ruth 2:1-23)
Ruth's obedience to Naomi (Ruth 3:1-18)
Ruth's redemption by Boaz (Ruth 4:1-22)



Was it written:  c 1375-1050 BCE
Did the events occur:  c 1310-1210 BCE
Was it canonized:  c 499-100 BCE
(see the Timeline of the Tanakh)



Was it written:  unknown place in Israel
Did the events occur:  Moab, Israel, Bethlehem



Ruth was written to inform us that: 
G-d desires faithfulness
G-d desires kindness
G-d desires integrity
G-d provides protection
G-d provides prosperity and blessing



The book of Ruth is a historical narrative about a young woman from the nation of Moab who marries an Israelite and is widowed at a young age.  Ruth, out of love for her Israelite mother-in-law, abandons her own culture and declares, "Your people shall be my people, and your G-d my G-d" (Ruth 1:16).  Though she was impoverished and had to rely upon the benevolence of others, Ruth's character and demeanor brings her to the attention of Boaz, a close relative of her deceased husband.  Boaz fulfills the role of kinsman-redeemer, takes Ruth as his wife, and she gives birth to Obed, the grandfather of King David. This book serves as a beautiful illustration of G-d's providential care of Israel and of His willingness to bring Gentiles out of their nations and into His own.




Chapter Description
1 Four Israelites, Elimelech, Naomi, and their sons, move to Moab to escape a famine in the land of Israel.
Their sons marry Moabite women: Orpah and Ruth.
Elimelech and the sons die.
Naomi returns to the land of Israel and Ruth chooses to go with her.
Orpah stays with her family in Moab.
2 Ruth gleans barley from Boaz's field until the end of the harvest.
Boaz is Naomi's kinsman and he shows kindness to Ruth.
3 Ruth visits Boaz during the night and lies at his feet until morning.
Boaz accepts Ruth and gives her extra barley.
Ruth returns home.
4 The kinsman closer than Boaz does not redeem Naomi's land.
Boaz redeems the land and takes Ruth as his wife.
Ruth gives birth to Obed the grandfather of King David.


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Yom Rishon, 11 Iyar, 5784

Sunday, May 19, 2024


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