Article Index

Names of the Book


English:  Romans
Greek Ρωμαιος
Transliterated:  Romaios
Other names:  The Epistle of Paul to the Romans



Wrote the book:  Paul
Are the key people:  Paul, Phoebe
Is it written to:  The Jewish and Gentile believers in Rome



What to believe about G-d, sin, redemption, and Jewish and Gentile believers (Romans 1:1-11:36)
How to live as a member of G-d's Kingdom (Romans 12:1- 16:27)



Was it written:  c 57 CE
Did the events occur:  c 57 CE
Was it canonized:  c 70-170 CE
(see the Timeline of the First Century)



Was it written:  Corinth
Did the events occur:  Rome



Romans was written to inform us that: 
Every person has sinned.
Salvation is found in Messiah alone.
G-d sanctifies believers.
G-d is sovereign over all people and events.
As members of the kingdom we are called to serve G-d and each other.



Unlike the historical narratives that are found throughout Scripture, Paul's letter to the Romans is a theological treatise that systematically describes G-d's righteousness, humanity's sinful nature, our need for a redeemer, and G-d's provision of that redeemer in the person of the Messiah Yeshua. Paul declares that the good news of the kingdom is G-d's power of salvation revealing that our reconciliation to G-d is through faith in Him. Paul lays out the legal case against humanity: all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of G-d. We cannot pay the penalty of our sin and need a means of justification outside of our own works. The book of Romans also explains the apparent contradiction between G-d's promises to Abraham and the Jewish peoples' rejection of their Messiah. Paul concludes by describing how faith should change the lives of believers and writes an extended series of greetings and exhortations to the believers in Rome.



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Today is

Yom Shishi, 25 Nisan, 5784

Friday, May 03, 2024


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