1394- The Jews of Paris were expelled by King Charles VI.


December 9, 1940- A boatload of 1,600 Jewish immigrants fleeing Hitler's ovens was denied entry by the British into the port of Haifa; deporting them to the island of Mauritius. This was part of the British enforcement of the White Paper that effectively ended Jewish immigration to Eretz Israel. The British had acceded to Arab demands and restricted Jewish immigration into Palestine. The urgent plight of European Jewry generated an "illegal" immigration movement, but the British were vigilant in denying entry. When you consider how strapped the British were for resources in fighting Hitler, it is amazing that the government in London could find the resources to intercept vessels sailing to Palestine.


December 6, 1943- In one of the last major Italian deportations, 212 Jews from Milan and Verona were sent to Auschwitz. In all, out of a population of 35,000 before the war, approximately 8500 Jews were killed. An estimated 2000 Jews fought with the partisans, five of them winning Italy's highest medals for bravery.


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