879 BCE- Yahrtzeit of Shmuel Hanavi [Samuel the Prophet]

1096- Jews of Bacharach, Germany, were massacred by the Crusaders.

May 20, 1917- The Turkish Government that ruled Palestine at that time authorized the return of the Jews who had been expelled from Yaffo and Tel Aviv.

May 17, 1938- The MacDonald White Paper - the British document which nullified the aims and legal commitment of the Balfour Declaration and caused so much grief for the Jewish people - was published.

May 9, 1956- John Foster Dulles, the anti-Semitic head of the State Department who imported large numbers of Nazis to work in the intelligence ranks in the U.S., tells NATO in Paris that the U.S. would not sell arms to Israel directly in order to avoid U.S.-USSR confrontation in the Middle East.

May 9, 1956- France delivers arms to Israel under secret agreement with tacit U.S. approval.

June 7, 1967- Day Three of the Six-Day War.  After just 60 hours of war, Israel controlled most of Judea and Samaria, the Old City of Yerushalayim, Yericho/Jericho and Bethlehem.  In the Sinai the IDF had cut through to the approaches of the Suez Canal and had already liberated Sharm el-Sheikh.  Jordan and Israel came to terms and discontinued hostilities later in the day. 

Israeli paratroopers completed their capture of the Old City of Yerushalayim, restoring Jewish control of the Temple Mount, Judaism's holiest site.  Soldiers danced, sang and cried at the Western Wall, the site of Jewish prayers for centuries as the Kotel once again became accessible.  At the Kotel, Rabbi Shlomo Goren blew the shofar and said Shehecheyanu, celebrating the liberation of the Temple Mount.  It will now be in Jewish hands for the first time in 1897 years.

A plaza was cleared in front of the Wall, and one week later, tens of thousands of Jews swarmed to the site on the holiday of Shavuot.  Iyar 28 is celebrated today as Yom Yerushalayim, commemorating the reunification of the Holy City, which has stood as the capital of the Jewish nation for 3,000 years.

June 1, 1981- Bombing of the Iraqi nuclear reactor by the Israeli Air Force.


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Yom Shishi, 25 Nisan, 5784

Friday, May 03, 2024


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