1485- The first printed edition of Rabbi Yosef Albo's Ikkarim was published -- an exposition on the Jewish fundamentals of faith. Israel Nathan Soncino had founded the first Hebrew printing house in Soncino, Italy 24 years after Gutenberg brought movable type to the world's attention. Soncino's first publication was a volume of the Talmud, (20 Tevet 1482), and over the next 70 years more than 130 Hebrew books were printed by the Soncino family. In 1988, an Italian postage stamp was issued to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the printing of the Soncino Bible.

January 2, 1690- Purim Ancona, followed the fast day mentioned above, (see 20 Tevet).

January 1, 1788- Emperor Joseph II ordered all Jews in Galicia to take permanent family names. Some of the names that the Jews were forced to choose from were degrading.


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Thursday, May 02, 2024


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