July 24, 1894- Many Jews of Vilna were killed during the Polish uprising. Vilna Jews held a fast day to mark this event.


July 15, 1941- The Jews of Telz (Telsia, Lithuania), including the Roshei Yeshiva, were killed by the Nazis.


July 11, 1944- The Nazi SS proclaimed Hungary (except the capital) free of Jews. The SS chief, Standartfuhrer Weesenmayer, certified that 437,402 Jews had been killed. Later that day, the SS sent the last 6,000 Jews to the gas chambers of Auschwitz and Birkenau.


July 11, 1944- The Nazis destroyed the Kovno ghetto.


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Yom Chamishi, 24 Nisan, 5784

Thursday, May 02, 2024


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