November 30, 1941- 27,000 Jews of the Riga Ghetto were executed by the Nazis.


December 7, 1943- 661 French Jews from occupied France were sent to the gas chambers of Auschwitz.


November 20, 1977- Egyptian President Anwar Sadat addressed the Israeli Knesset in Jerusalem. Sadat was the first Arab leader to officially visit Israel, after receiving an invitation from Menachem Begin. Sadat had orchestrated the Egyptian attack on Israel in the 1973 Yom Kippur War, but after suffering defeat became resigned to the existence of the State of Israel. Much of the Arab world was outraged by Sadat's visit and his change of strategy. One year later, Sadat and Begin signed the Camp David Peace Agreement, for which they received the Nobel Peace Prize. As part of the deal, Israel withdrew from the Sinai peninsula in phases, returning the entire area to Egypt by 1983.


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Yom Shishi, 25 Nisan, 5784

Friday, May 03, 2024


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