The following table is a compilation of observations regarding the parallels between Yosef and Yeshua that the folks here at have noticed (or have had pointed out to us!) in Scripture. This is not an exhaustive list and any additional observations are welcome.


Most favored of their fathers Genesis 37:3 Mark 1:11
Brothers hated them because of their special status Genesis 37:4 Matt 21:33-41
(Yeshua is the "son" of the parable)
Given vision into the future Genesis 37:6 Matt 24:3
Hated for their teachings Genesis 37:8 John 7:7
Brothers plotted to kill them Genesis 37:18 Matt 26:4
Put into the ground Genesis 37:24 Mark 15:46
Raised three times
  • Raised up out of the pit (Genesis 37:28)
  • Raised up to be ruler of Egypt (Genesis 41:41)
  • Raised up ("made alive" again) when Ya'akov was told he was still alive (Genesis 45:26-28)
  • Raised up on the cross (John 19:17-18)
  • Raised up from the grave (Matt 18:5-6)
  • Raised up to heaven (Acts 1:9)
Given over to gentiles Genesis 37:28 Acts 11:1
Sold for the price of a slave Genesis 37:28 Matt 26:15
Taken into Egypt to avoid being killed Genesis 37:28 Matt 2:13
Dead to his father Genesis 37:33 Luke 23:46
Resisted temptation Genesis 39:8-9 Heb 4:15
Gained the confidence of others quickly Genesis 39:3 Matt 8:8
Became a servant Genesis 39:4 Phil 2:7
Falsely accused Genesis 39:14
(Potiphar's wife)
Mark 14:56 (chief priests)
Silent before their accusers Genesis 39:20 Mark 15:4
Condemned between two prisoners
- one was saved the other was not
Genesis 40:2-3 Luke 23:32
Held for two, and freed on the third Genesis 41:1 Luke 9:22
Taught by G-d Genesis 41:16 John 5:19
The Spirit of G-d was in them Genesis 41:38 Luke 4:1
Arose into a new life Genesis 41:41 Mark 16:6
Began ministry at 30 years of age Genesis 41:46 Luke 3:23
Saved people from certain death Genesis 41:55, 42:1-2 John 10:27-29
Everyone (both Jew and Gentile) came to him for their provision Genesis 42:5-6 Acts 4:12
Gave bread to hungry people Genesis 41:57 Mark 6:41
Not recognized by their own brothers Genesis 42:8 Luke 24:37
Tested people to reveal their true nature Genesis 42:25 Mark 11:30
Brothers bowed down before them Genesis 44:14 Phil 2:10
Humble and unspoiled by wealth Genesis 45:7-8 John 13:12
Became lord/Lord Genesis 45:8 Rev 19:16
Loved people freely Genesis 45:15 John 13:34
Returned to their father/Father Genesis 46:29 Mark 16:19
Seeing them was a "prerequisite" before the death of a person Genesis 46:30 Luke 2:26
Returned good for evil Genesis 50:20 Matt 5:44


Other notes

Some have drawn the parallel that Yosef and Yeshua were both shepherds using Genesis 37:2, John 10:11-14 but we should note that Yosef was around shepherds (his brothers) but was likely a "man of the tents" like his father and grandfather and given to study. Given the intellectual abilities required to manage a household (for Potiphar) and then an entire kingdom (for Pharaoh) Yosef was likely not a shepherd by trade.

Even if we accept that Yosef was a shepherd (which he may have been), Scripture informs us that Yeshua was a carpenter (Mark 6:3) not a shepherd. The passage in John 10:11-14 is where Yeshua describes himself metaphorically as "the Good Shepherd". Unless those who believe in him are literally sheep (four legs, wooly, and make bleating noises) then He is not literally a shepherd in the way Yosef may have been.

Buying our provision

We find in the story of Yosef that his brothers came to him to purchase their provision Genesis 42:5 but Yosef recognizes them and provides for them without charge. He sends them home with provision and their money Genesis 42:25.

Today we may see individuals trying to purchase their salvation with their works, their "good deeds", but we must know that it is our relationship with the One Who Provides that allows us to have anything. We cannot buy from Him what He has already freely provided.


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