Topical Commentary

BUSINESS CONFERENCE © mbbirdy | iStockPhoto.comInformed by Scripture, history, and the languages of the Bible, we share our thoughts on various matters of faith and offer unique perspectives that are sure to be a source of enlightenment and encouragement.  Always grounded in Scripture, we aren't wed to any denominational traditions, so we can find and share the good news!



Pesach is a VERY busy time for women.  There is much organizing, cooking, and cleaning!  It also can be a time of confusion with so many different halachot.  It is very important to sit down as a couple (with your spouse) or as a community and determine what your family's chalakah will be concerning Pesach and keep a journal about your discussion and activities.

Four years ago my husband and I did that very thing.  We found that if we did not then we would forget what was agreed upon.

One of the big issues we discussed is "what exactly is leaven?"  Scripture uses two different words for "leaven": chametz and seor.

Seor is a substance which, through fermentation, makes dough rise.  Yeast, baking powder, and baking soda are all leavening agents.  However there are "kosher for passover" baking powder and soda available.

Chametz is any product made with "seor" in it.  White, fluffy Wonderbread, donuts, and bagels are "chametz" because they have leaven in them.

Scripture tells us that leaven [seor] should be removed from our homes on the first day (Exodus 12:15) and that it should not be in our homes for seven days (Exodus 12:19).  Nothing leavened [chametz] should be seen among you or within your borders (Exodus 13:7).  We should not eat anything leavened [chametz] (Exodus 12:20).  See The Feast of Unleavened Bread for more details.


Although it might not be apparent when you first look at them, the horizontal lines in the image to the right are parallel.

In a similar fashion, there are a number of remarkable parallels between Moshe and Yeshua found in the pages of the Bible that might not be apparent until you look more closely. 

We've compiled these parallels in the list below and added a few additional notes for good measure.

Have we missed one?  Contact us and let us know!


The following table is a compilation of observations regarding the parallels between Yosef and Yeshua that the folks here at have noticed (or have had pointed out to us!) in Scripture. This is not an exhaustive list and any additional observations are welcome.


As we have read through Scripture, the team has encountered certain things enumerated in a list or repeated multiple times throughout Scripture. We thought it might be a blessing for others to record these lists and repetitions so they might become aware of them. Praise be to G-d for the wonder of His Word!

Bolded text or other emphases in the Scriptural references are the author's.

The first list we found was G-d's four "I Will" statements from the book of Exodus. 

dreamstime s 3847090 300Cycles.  Repetitions. Birth.  Death.  Rebirth.

Scripture gives us many examples of cyclical patterns: the moedim, the daily prayers, and even life itself. 

In that spirit, Ezra and the men of the Great Assembly established a periodic schedule of readings of the Torah along with corresponding readings from the Neviim and Ketuvim. In this cycle, the Torah is sectioned into weekly readings each called a parashah (plural parashyot). This provides a yearly cycle through which we can read, study, and learn about the entire Torah.  Some take this cycle and apply it to a three-year period which allows for a more in-depth study of each portion.  John Parsons of has more information about the history of the parshah.

If you would like to see a reading schedule, Torah publishes a yearly reading schedule.

Special thanks go to my son, Nathan, for his help in putting the weekly parashah pages together and doing the initial research on the Hebrew words and meanings.


Torah Portion




or view this week's triennial cycle reading.

Today is

Yom Rivi'i, 23 Nisan, 5784

Wednesday, May 01, 2024


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