Articles is pleased to provide the following extensive library of articles.

What Scripture Says About...

GOLDEN BOOK © Andrei Contiu | Dreamstime.comIn our "What Scripture Says About" series, we perform comprehensive word studies of Scripture to uncover the Biblically-accurate meanings of various concepts and align our understanding of the Word with the One Who wrote it.

What will you do with the answers once you have them?


Topical Commentary

BUSINESS CONFERENCE © mbbirdy | iStockPhoto.comInformed by Scripture, history, and the languages of the Bible, we share our thoughts on various matters of faith and offer unique perspectives that are sure to be a source of enlightenment and encouragement.  Always grounded in Scripture, we aren't wed to any denominational traditions, so we can find and share the good news!


Did You Know...?

BUSINESS PEOPLE WITH QUESTION MARK © Yuri_arcurs | Dreamstime.comOur controversial "Did You Know" series is guaranteed to challenge the traditionalist in all of us. So often we are taught an idea as a child and never stop to examine if what we have been taught is true. These articles will test your knowledge of Scripture and the truths it contains.


The Moedim

SUNRISE BRIDE - unknownThe moedim: the appointed times of G-d. The Most High has a schedule of appointments with His people. Messiah came and gave us the full understanding of the springtime festivals of the Bible and He has promised to come again and also fulfill the fall festivals.

Learn more about these special and precious times with our Lord.


The Weekly Parashah

YOUNG SHOOTS © Lawrence Wee | Dreamstime.comCycles. Repetitions. Birth. Death. Rebirth.

Scripture gives us many examples of cyclical patterns: days, months, years, the moedim, the daily prayers, and even life itself.

In that spirit, Ezra and the men of the Great Assembly established a weekly schedule of readings of the Torah along with corresponding readings from the Neviim and Ketuvim. In this cycle, the Torah is sectioned into weekly portions each called a parashah . This provides a yearly cycle through which we can read, study, and learn about the entire Torah


Answering Jewish Objections

BUSINESSMAN WATCHING THE QUESTION MARK - © Tom Wang | Dreamstime.comWe often receive questions from readers asking for help answering Jewish objections to Yeshua as the Messiah. We have created a series of articles that answers each of those questions. Many of the questions we receive stem from an article entitled Why Jews Don't Believe in Jesus. We answer those questions and other Jewish objections point for point.


Answering Christian Objections

TWO MEN IN LIVING ROOM TALKING- © © Monkey Business Images | Dreamstime.comAfter the success of our Answering Jewish Objections series, we began receiving questions from readers asking for help in answering their Christian friend's objections to G-d's commandments in the Torah.

We are dedicated to equipping you with the resources to be able to "give an answer" to everyone who asks.

Torah Portion




or view this week's triennial cycle reading.

Today is

Yom Rishon, 27 Nisan, 5784

Sunday, May 05, 2024 - Cinco de Mayo


Learn more about this date in history.