June 11, 1590- The Jewish quarter of Posen burned, while the Anti-Semitic locals watched and plundered. Fifteen Jews were murdered and eighty scrolls were torched.


June 5, 1855- The first Jewish hospital in America - Jews’ Hospital of New York - admitted its first patient. The phenomenon of Jewish hospitals may have been linked to the experience in Europe, where restrictions were placed on the number of Jewish patients admitted to public hospitals, and even in America where quotas were placed on Jewish doctors studying and practicing.

The Jews of Berlin had a small hospital in the 16th century. Jews of Rome had their own hospital in the 17th century. Russian Jews had 112 hospitals prior to World War I. But when the Jews of Bucharest petitioned the government for permission to build a hospital, following the death of a Jew who was denied admission into the city hospital, the petition was denied.

Today, Jewish hospitals are found in dozens of major cities including Los Angeles, Cincinnati and Baltimore. These hospitals are often ranked as tops in their field; for example, Barnes Jewish Hospital in St. Louis is the largest hospital in Missouri, is regarded as one of the nation's top three medical schools, and is ranked as one of America's top 10 hospitals overall.


June 4, 1942- The Battle of Midway began. Three days later, American forces claimed a decisive victory over the Japanese.


June 10, 1944- 642 men, women, and children, including seven Jewish refugees, were killed in the Oradour-sur-Glane Massacre in France. The attack was carried out by soldiers of the Der Führer Regiment of the 2nd Waffen-SS Panzer Division Das Reich. To this day there is no universally accepted explanation for the massacre.


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