August 5, 1391- Jews in Spain were massacred by Anti-Semitic mobs. 250 Jews were murdered in riots in Barcelona and Toledo. Some Jews committed suicide to avoid the torture being inflicted by the mob onto the Jews.


August 14, 1907- Hatikva was inaugurated as the official anthem of Zionists, at the World Zionist Congress' eighth meeting.


August 27, 1941- Eighteen thousand (foreign) Jews were arrested in Hungary and deported to Poland where the Nazi SS took responsibility for them. Some were sent to camps, some were murdered on the spot and some of the Jews were forced to march for 10 miles and were shot in bomb craters, which became mass graves.


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Yom Rishon, 27 Nisan, 5784

Sunday, May 05, 2024 - Cinco de Mayo


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