c 1876 BCE- Eight days following his birth Issac was circumcised thus becoming the first Jew to fulfill the commandment of brit mila according to halacha, entering the covenant with Hashem, on the 8th day following his birth.


c 1436 BCE- Shortly after crossing the Jordan River and entering the Land of Canaan, the Israelites set their sights on conquering the walled and heavily fortified city of Jericho. Following Joshua's instructions, they begin a seven-day encirclement of the city. They marched around the city walls one time each day, for six days, led by the priests who carried the Holy Ark, and sounded the shofar [ram's horn]. On the seventh day, they marched around Jericho seven times until the walls collapsed. This constituted the first Jewish military action in ancient Israel and the beginning of the conquest of the Land.


April 25, 1848- The new Austrian constitution guaranteed freedom of religion for Jews.


April 25, 1940- First enclosed and guarded ghetto established by the Nazis in Lodz.

In Croatia -- as Ustashe were killing fast before closing down the Jasenovac camp -- 87 inmates escaped. 1000 others were recaptured or shot while fleeing. Brother Satan, who took part in a World War II massacre of 2,000 Serbs by Ustashe troops and whose real name was Tomislav Filipovic Majstorovic, was defrocked in 1943 but stayed on in the camp, known as "Auschwitz of the Balkans," where he was said to have killed freely. Independent historians put the number of victims executed there at between 80,000 and 100,000.


April 25, 1986- Operation Grapes of Wrath, retaliation against Lebanon for Hizbollah terrorists' attacks on northern Israel.


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Yom Chamishi, 24 Nisan, 5784

Thursday, May 02, 2024


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