June 24, 1322- The Jews of France were expelled for a second time.


1790- The Jews of Florence, Italy celebrate "Purim" in memory of their escape from a massacre.


1933- Heinrich Himmler was appointed Chief of German Police.


June 22, 1941- The Germans shot 300 Jews when they occupied Beresteczko, Ukraine. Later in the day, in Lithuania, Fascists carried out a pogrom and killed many Jews in Kaunas.


June 22, 1941- Communists closed the Slobodka yeshiva.

June 22, 1941- The Nazis began Operation Barbarossa, a forceful attack on many Russian-ocupied territories that were home to over 1.5 million Jews. The radio blasted messages inciting the local population against the Jews, and flyers were distributed urging them to kill the Jewss even before the Nazis arrived.


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Yom Chamishi, 24 Nisan, 5784

Thursday, May 02, 2024


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