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Names of the Book

HOSEA AND GOMER- unknown artist

English:  Hosea
Hebrew:  הוֹשׁע
Transliterated:  Hoshea
Other names:   



Wrote the book:  Hosea
Are the key people:  Hosea, Gomer, their children
Is it written to:  The people of Israel



Hosea's wife of harlotry and her redemption by Hosea (Hosea 1:1-3:5)
G-d's nation of harlotry and he redemption by G-d (Hosea 4:1-14:9)



Was it written:  c 759 BCE
Did the events occur:  c 771-759 BCE
Was it canonized:  c 499-100 BCE
(see the Timeline of the Tanakh)



Was it written:  Israel
Did the events occur:  Samaria and Ephraim within Israel



Hosea was written to inform us that: 
Israel was like Hosea's harlot wife.
G-d judged Israel's sin.
G-d loves Israel.
G-d will restore Israel as His bride.



The book of Hosea is historical narrative delivered as a metaphor for the relationship between G-d and His people. Hosea prophesies in a period of steep moral and spiritual decline for the northern kingdom of Israel. Although the nation was financially wealthy, their prosperity led them into a period of unparalleled idolatry and moral decay. G-d instructs Hosea to take a "wife of harlotry" (a prostitute) whose unfaithfulness to Hosea would serve as a striking illustration of Israel's unfaithfulness to G-d. Hosea warned the nation of the judgment that would come unless they repented and returned to G-d. The book reveals the depth of G-d's love for His people... a love that does not allow any rivals.




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Yom Shishi, 11 Nisan, 5784

Friday, April 19, 2024


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