1236- Narbonne Purim, the oldest private Purim celebration on record, commemorates this French Jewish  community's escape from a mob When a Jew and a wealthy gentile fish merchant quarreled, the fish merchant suddenly died. This set off a pogrom in which angry mobs attacked the Jewish community and confiscated the sefarim of the Rav, Harav Meir ben Harav Yitzchak, claiming that he was at fault in the merchant's death. The Jews were saved when the ruler, Don Emirich, quickly intervened, and dispatched a contingent of soldiers to restore order. All the spoils stolen during the riots were returned to the Jews.


1490- The first dated edition of the Mishneh Torah was published.


April 1, 1948- The success of Operation Nachshon marked the end the siege of Yerushalayim by its Arab neighbors, by bringing food to her starving residents.


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Today is

Yom Shishi, 25 Nisan, 5784

Friday, May 03, 2024


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