The Moedim

The Moedim

SUNRISE BRIDE - unknownThe moedim: the appointed times of G-d. The Most High has a schedule of appointments with His people. Messiah came and gave us the full understanding of the springtime festivals of the Bible and He has promised to come again and also fulfill the fall festivals.

Learn more about these special and precious times with our Lord.



SYMBOLS OF PASSOVER © Victoria German |

חג המצות

The moed of Chag HaMatzot [the Feast of Unleavened Bread] occurs the day after Pesach and gives us a picture of removing sin from our lives immediately as we are set free from bondage in Egypt. In this moed we can see the sinless Messiah and the sanctifying work of G-d's Holy Spirit.

As we remove the physical leaven from our homes we should also strive to remove the spiritual leaven of sin from our lives.

Consider what Scripture says about this festival and the commandments surrounding it: what are we to do and when are we to do it?  And we should never forget the One for whom we do all of it: our Maker and Redeemer.


FREEDOM- unknown


Pesach [Passover] is a beautiful and wonderful time of year. The moed teaches us about freedom from bondage, salvation, redemption, and G-d's great love for His people. It is sometimes referred to as "the time of our joy".

As we examine what Scripture says about this special day, we find some specific commandments regarding the original event in Egypt and find other commandments regarding the annual remembrance of the event.

In addition to the commanded and traditional elements of Passover we should never forget Who Pesach was given to picture: Yeshua, the Messiah of Israel. We should always remember that "Christ our Passover also has been sacrificed." (1 Corinthians 5:7).


Torah Portion




or view this week's triennial cycle reading.

Today is

Yom Chamishi, 1 Iyar, 5784

Thursday, May 09, 2024


Learn more about this date in history.