The Messianic movement (faith in Yeshua as the Messiah marked by the recognition of the Jewish origins of that faith and expressed in some degree of Torah observance) is filled with Gentiles from all stripes, creeds, and denominations.  One of the common questions we receive at goes something like this: "I used to be an [insert denomination here] and I want to know how that group connects back to the original first-century believers."  While each group is different, we have found strong connections with some key denominations of Christianity.

Our team has developed a graphical "family tree" of Christian denominations to provide you with some context around where your prior denomination (or perhaps your current one!) connects back to the original roots of our faith in Messiah.

FAMILY TREE OF CHRISTIAN DENOMINATIONS - © 2012 The Psalm 119 FoundationWe recommend you maximize your browser and click on the thumbnail image in the upper right corner of this article to expand it.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us!


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Today is

Yom Chamishi, 24 Nisan, 5784

Thursday, May 02, 2024


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