There are three common cycles for reading the Torah:

  • The annual
  • The triennial
  • The linear triennial

In the annual cycle, the entire Torah (Genesis through Deuteronomy) is read weekly over the course of one year.  This is most widely used Torah reading cycle and is used in synagogues throughout the world.

In the triennial cycle, the entire Torah is read weekly over the course of three years.  The readings are aligned to the annual cycle (both the annual and triennial readings are on the same Parashah each week) but smaller portions are read in the triennial cycle.  Thanks go to the Jewish Theological Seminary for the chart!

In the linear triennial cycle, the entire Torah is read weekly over the course of three years but in a sequential order that does not align to the annual readings (the annual and linear triennial readings are only the same one week every three years).

The linear triennial readings for 2012-2015 are provided below:

I found a handy online tool to transliterate Hebrew text by Aaron Eby.

Check it out!

Thanks, Aaron! :)

27 December 2010

Moedim Dates for 2011

In case you need to put some time on the "vacation calendar" at work, here are the dates for the moedim in 2011 along with some other dates:

Purim- Sunday, March 20th

Pesach- Monday, April 18th

Chag HaMatzot- Tuesday, April 19th (beginning at sundown on the 18th)

Second Passover- Wednesday, May 18th (beginning at sundown on the 17th)

09 December 2010

The team is pleased to announce our partnership with Gary Mink in delivering his insightful observations and commentary about the Sacred Name Movement. 

 The team has designed and implemented Mr. Mink's library of information on a new website at

Please take a look and let us know your thoughts about the design and information on that site!


Shalom, everyone!

I pray you are all well and blessed.  While getting prepared for Channukah we came across this website for Channukah cards and Messianic art:

The cards are very well done and the other art available on the site is absolutely beautiful.  We hope you will give the site a look and we pray you are as blessed as we were.


04 November 2010

Messianic Community

Shalom again! has officially launched a community locator service website at  "Don't travel the path alone." [NOTE: was folded into the website a short time after this. - ed]

Once registered on the site, visitors can add information about groups, synagogues, Torah study groups, etc in their area.  They can also edit the information they add to the site.  There is a search tool with a Google map of groups in the area that is searched (address, city, zipcode, state, country, etc).

This is an international locator service with groups from Australia, Great Britain, Belgium, France, Germany, Israel!, and other countries already being added.

If you know of anyone who wants to make their group "find-able" point them to the site and they can add their information.


Shalom, shalom!
I wanted to provide an update to everyone about the lack of new articles coming from
First has been busy-ness with our jobs.  For some reason, the Most High has everyone involved with busy with our day jobs.  Normally this season sees a decrease in busy-ness... not this year.
Second has been community.  We have had a number of pleasant and not-so-pleasant matters of community to which must attend.  The fall festivals and establishment of a weekly gathering on the west side of San Antonio has kept many of us busy.  All of us have been in prayer and support of our dear brother, David Bitting, during some health concerns.
Third has been a different form of community.  Many of you may be familiar with the Community Connector at 
12 September 2010

Updated site!

Shalom and greetings everyone!

As is probably highly obvious to our regular visitors the site has undergone a major update! :)

We've updated the look and feel of the site as well as made some enhancements to speed things up a bit when searching or otherwise moving about the site.

One of the changes that was required was that we remove the discussion board.  We have since pointed everyone to the Facebook page where converations can carry on unabated there. :)

Take a look around the site and let us know what you think.  The whole team has been hard at work working to make the site fresh, fast, and (uh, hey, guys... quick... what's another positive sounding word that starts with "F"?)

Oh, yeah, fantastic!

Peace and blessings.

"I sought him, but I found him not." — Song 3:1

Tell me where you lost the company of Christ, and I will tell you the most likely place to find Him. Have you lost Christ in the closet by restraining prayer? Then it is there you must seek and find Him. Did you lose Christ by sin? You will find Christ in no other way but by the giving up of the sin, and seeking by the Holy Spirit to mortify the member in which the lust doth dwell. Did you lose Christ by neglecting the Scriptures? You must find Christ in the Scriptures.

07 September 2008

Site updates

Hi, folks!

We have made some serious updates to the guts of the pages on the site.  Tonight Brady spent several hours cleaning up code so things should run smoother across a number of browsers including the brand spanking new Chrome browser from Google.

We definitely want your feedback if you notice any hiccups or problems on the site but the Contact Us page seemed to be having some problems.  If anyone has tried to contact us via that way recently, we've likely not received your message.  We are honestly not ignoring you... the message just did not get through. 

No...really. :)

Thanks to everyone for their support and encouragement on the content of the articles and the new layout!



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Torah Portion




or view this week's triennial cycle reading.

Today is

Yom Rivi'i, 7 Iyar, 5784

Wednesday, May 15, 2024


Learn more about this date in history.