1 Corinthians 15:46

15 May 2009

During some recent reading I came across this passage in Paul's first letter to the Corinthians:

However, the spiritual is not first, but the natural; then the spiritual.

This brought to mind the idea that we should walk in G-d's commandments in the natural world (i.e. a literal, physical observance) so that we can reap rewards in the spiritual.  One of the examples of  a literal observance is the daily wrapping of tefillin (phylacteries) by men in observance of the commandments found in Deuteronomy 6:8, Deuteronomy 11:18, Exodus 13:9, Exodus 13:16.

My son and I have been wrapping tefillin for a few years and have found that going before G-d every morning with this simple act of obedience sets our hearts towards Him.  It is a reminder that our G-d does not ask us to do the impossible.  It is these small, simple matters that provide us a way to express our love for our G-d, our Master, and our Savior.  It is in our faithfulness in these simple acts that reaps great spiritual rewards.

Blessed be His glorious name forever and ever.  Amen.

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