Site updates and new articles

08 November 2008

Wow!  The fall moedim were really a blessing this year.  The timing was very challenging with two children in public schools, though.  The moedim coupled with some recent trips out of town and other school and work related activities have left the family desperately in need of a day of rest.  G-d is good and He has provided a wonderful day of rest in His Shabbat and we most DEFINITELY rested today! :)

All this recent activity has left little time for study and writing articles.  I wanted to provide an update on what's going on behind the scenes to let everyone know that work is still ongoing but has slowed a great deal.

We have created a "Google gadget" to keep up to date on the weekly parashahIt can be found here.

A recent article on prophecies of Messiah in the Tanakh and their fulfillment recorded in the Greek Scriptures was completed a few weeks ago.   A subset of that article, prophecies of Messiah's death (including Yeshua's own words of prophecy) was completed this week.

I am currently preparing a harmony of the Gospel accounts based upon A.T. Robertson's gospel harmony from the early 1900s.

I am researching "what Scripture says about the Gospel" to identify what the Gospel is... and is not.

I am completing a multiple-article study on the covenants given in Scripture.  To my surprise there are several mentioned.  Contrary to my previous thoughts there are not only two or three covenants but as many as eight (Noach's, Avraham's, Yitzchak's, Ya'akov's, the Sinai covenant, the Horev covenant, the Davidic covenant, the "New Covenant") and possibly others.

I have articles on righteousness, the names of G-d, the armor of G-d, "the twelve" (which provides information about all of the "twelves" found in Scripture), and a few other odds and ends in the works.

All of these are in addition to the weekly parashah observations that are documented.  Please be patient as these come to fruition in the Lord's timing.

If anyone has any thoughts or ideas on future articles, please feel free to contact us with a recommendation.

Shalom uvrachah and shavua tov!


Torah Portion




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Today is

Yom Rishon, 4 Iyar, 5784

Sunday, May 12, 2024


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