Quick update

11 July 2008

Hi, folks!  It's been a busy week including a major technical outage at the Stephenson household (thanks, Microsoft! grrr...) and many preparations for Nathan's bar mitzvah ceremony.  I've published a couple of new articles:


And I have begun studying dikaioma.  It is a Greek word that seems to be translated inconsistently in Scripture.  For example in Revelation it is translated as "the righteous acts of the saints" but in Romans it is referred to as the "requirements of the Law".  In one place these are good things and in another place they are bad things... very curious.  I hope to learn more and share it all with you.

I am continuing a study on the covenants found in Scripture, on the 10 Commandments found in the "New Testament", and I plan to begin a list of all the commandments given in the NT and how they tie back to the Mosaic law.  All in all... lots of studying to do and share!

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Today is

Yom Shabbat, 3 Iyar, 5784

Saturday, May 11, 2024


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