General Updates

11 June 2008

Hi, everyone!

Just wanted to provide an update on what we are working on.  We recently purchased the Accordance Bible software.  Wow!  Very powerful searches and reporting.  We are really looking forward to using the capabilities of this new tool in our studies of Scripture.

Here is what we are actively working on right now:

  • Body, Soul, and Spirit. What are these according to Scripture?  How are they described and how are they different from each other?
  • Covenants. What are they?  What covenants are spoken of in Scripture.  How does Scripture describe them?  What is the New Covenant?
  • Dietary Laws. What does Scripture say about these and why do some Christians think we should not follow them?
  • The Gospel. What is it?  How does Scripture describe it?  Is there only one Gospel?  Where is the Gospel written about in Scripture?


With so many irons in the fire (as well as kids being off for the summer and all the summer vacation and activities planned) it may be a while before any of these are finished. 

We appreciate your patience! :)

Torah Portion




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Today is

Yom Sheni, 5 Iyar, 5784

Monday, May 13, 2024


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